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Meet the Artist

I have been immersed in art/design my whole life. My father is a career print specialist/graphic designer, and art runs rampant on that side of the family, so there was never really any doubt for me as far as what I wanted to do "when I grow up" (which still hasn't happened yet, ha!).

Early Years

Art and hockey have always been my two biggest passions, and they came to be at about the same time. My father took me to my first hockey game at five, where I immediately fell in love with the goalies and started endlessly drawing hockey players. I was also really into aircraft and sharks, so I would always check those kinds of books out from the library and draw the pictures I liked. I guess you could say sharks and hockey players were the first "portraits" I did without even knowing it at the time.

So whenever I was home sick, I drew something in bed. Whenever we went to the beach (which was a lot), I was drawing something and getting burnt. Heck, even in class when I was supposed to be paying attention, I was in my own world doodling something.


Coming of Age

My first "Real" portrait was a self portrait as a freshman, and I was hooked. I earned a quick reputation and earned my first commission at 15. Instead of lunch or study periods, I was in the art room working on a portrait. I was always in the art room! At one point, I wasn't doing well in a couple other classes, so the school wouldn't allow me in the art room during free periods/lunch until I brought the grades up. But that didn't stop me! I would go in, take my stuff out of my drawer that I needed, and then go work on it in an empty classroom down the hall.


I eventually earned statewide awards and would be awarded my class Excellence in the Arts award at graduation.

To the Present

After high school, I did a brief stint in the Marine Corps as an infantryman, floundered between low wage jobs, and eventually went back to school for Graphic Design, which I have been doing ever since.  But I have always continued to do portraits, and have shifted the focus of my freelance business towards that in recent years. Today, I am proud to say that I do both professionally!


The common theme here is that I always have been, and always will be, an artist. Well, that and a hockey goalie, but nobody wants to pay me to do that... My mission is to use my skills to help make the world a better place, and through my art, to help brighten someone's day by reminding them of great memories.

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